Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flan....Whats a Flan??

That MY dear a flan. Its yummy and delish!

It even cut my knife....k well thats a lie Jon did that.

Looks good though eh? It was pretty tasty. We used pre made jello custard, cuz me and homemade custard do not mix...
We are going for another dinner night at K&B's and we needed to make the dessert this time so Jon suggested this, I doubted him, for all the wrong reasons it seems...This was just our trial run, turned out prety nice methinks!
Aww so cute lol

We are gonna go see startrek tonight the new one. Im kind of excited! Itz STAR TREK, my sister being a major trekkie already went and gave me her totally biased opinion that it was ZOMG the best, so we will have to see if she was right.
Anyways goodbye all, I will be more interesting next time lol

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am a horrible blogger. I am I am I am. Though really the only thing that seems to hold my imediate attention is...well right now Naruto but thats besides the point. Knitting, Despite how slow at it I am.
Anyways Ssej tagged me in this quiz thing, So I guess I will get along with that, I have some pictures to post in the near future, Anywho On with the show!

What’s your current obsession? Naruto...the show Im a fangirl. And Applesauce ?

If you could do any job in the world and know you’d be 100% successful, what would it be?Helicoptor Pilot!!

What are you wearing today?Pants, shirt Socks Shoes...

Why is today special? Its my sisters FIRST Tattoo And hopefully me finishing mine!!

What would you like to learn to do? Speak Japanese!!.

What’s for dinner tonight?MMM Dunno Yet something fast prolly...Post tattoo food lol

What’s the last thing you bought?Besides Food? And groceries....and bills....mmmmm....?

What are you listening to right now? People talking...Phones beeping, contemplating Pendulum

What’s your most challenging goal?Getting to where I wanna be in five years! I mean I wanna be done school, be doing my quazi dream job, living in BC and perhaps being on the way to having a little one....

What do you think about the person who tagged you?She is amazing, and so strong. Her personality is great and she needs to love herself more!

If you could have your house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere, where would it be? DUR!!! Oh you mean not Hawaii ohhh

What is your favorite vacation spot?Besides Hawaii?? BC LML Bowen Island Dear God its peaceful out there

What would you like to have in your hands right now? Lots of money so I dont have to fucking work anymore

What would you like to get rid of? 25 Pounds I think It suprises alot of people how much I actually weigh

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? lol Home to bed, but thats only cuz Jon and I were up till 2 watching movies, and I got up at 630 Le Sigh!

What super power would you like to possess? Oh so many options, Probably telepathy and telekenisis that shit is pretty BA!

What’s your favorite piece of clothing? Nothing, I always feel super restricted when I wear clothing, Yet I can just let it all hang free!! I bought these tanks from Garage store a couple months ago and they are pretty sweet

What is your dream job? Paramedic

$150---what would you spend it on? LOL Food! Or shoes! Or Clothes OR OR A TATTOO!!

What do you find annoying?Pretty much everything, I kid! But yeah more than I like to admit. Hearing people eat, repetetive coughing and or snorting, loud talkers! Werkin Weekends!

Describe your personal style. Casual I dont have a style like at all I could be a bum, a well put together clean bum but a bum none the less

Whose closet you would want to raid? Random people, When I see I shirt I want Yoink!.

What are you most proud of?Keeping my job right at the moment!

What are you planning to do tomorrow? Working in Pain. Then going to glorious Mexican food and stuffing myself. Im eating very spartan today

Ok Supposed to tag Seven people!! I know two and they already did this so up shit creek there!

Anyways till next time! Tata For now

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I love my Jazz!!

Anyways! I cut my hair. Yup! After three years or growing it meticulously cuz I chopped it all off... I chopped it all off AGAIN!!

Not as drastically as last time though. Its a cute little bob, and I can still pull it back. Though, its quite a small little ponytail type thing, it still serves its purpose.

Here's the left and right side views

That's about all from me. I know I am a horribly boring blogger, however, there will be a post in the near ish (OMG A MONTH) future about my back piece tattoo!!!! OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! Its been about 15 hours total. Longest tattoo I've ever had to sit for and I'm so stoked its gonna be done soon. I really should have taken in progress pictures. BUUUT I didn't so wah!!
Anyways till later!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dinner mmm...

We... AKA hubs and I, have a couple of couple friends. There's K&B and S&G just using those names cuz I'm too lazy to type them out every time.
Last night we had wine and a movie with K&B we watched the movie AUSTRALIA!! It was horrible. Not ONLY did it last 2.5 hours and could have ended at least twice before it actually ended. It was trying to be something and it didn't really work, and the use of the song "somewhere over the rainbow" was way overused...and I like that song. However, it was charming, and there was a lot of really pretty scenery and the acting was good. So either way it was a good night. Despite the fact that we ended up driving back from Silverado at three o clock in the morning. In the snow, In the was gross :(

Anyways tonight we had a Dinner night with S&G. I replicated a recipe I saw on OMNOMICON, Red Hot Gams, without the red hot, it was very good. I had planned to take pictures, but as my hands were covered completely in gooey, floury, crushed chips, with the potential of Salmonella. I remembered the pictures and swore silently to myself. It was really good and it looked pretty too.
We do this back and forth thing with S&G. Steve Came over for Jon (hubs) birthday a few weeks ago, we fed him, and he offered to make us food. So like a week later we went over and had a really, really good chicken Parmesan, with sgetti. And we all know the fastest way to my heart is a really good sgetti.
I digress, So after that Jon invited S&G over here and we had those chicken boobs with crushed chips as a shake n' bake alternative.
As they were leaving we casually reminded them about their turn, In their new place no less. Steve mentioned something about lobster??

Anyways I'm full and kinda tired munching on the peanut butter cookies I made for desert. And next time I swear Ill take pictures :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Did I ever mention I hate HTML??

I don't get it, I know that it will come with time but as of now...
These fancy layouts and fancy read more... links and colours and god picture placement. I feel like the queen of my domain....that doesn't know how to turn on the vacuum.
I will get it, I will ask my friend for help. She will help me

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Le Sigh

Its pretty much official. I hate winter.
I hate winter and all things associated with winter....
Well not really I just feel so jaded this time of year, its supposed to be spring damn you!! Everything is messing up on me.

I'm having a crisis as to what I want to do for the rest of my life, EMT, Technician, photographer, GAH!! and those are just my top choices. I need to get the rest of my body art finished I NEED it, my arms and leg feel and look so bare. I need a car, and I want/need a baby. I mean that can wait a bit but you know what I mean..
Plus everything on that list requires money, this magical stuff that makes the world revolve yet we can never make enough of. And if we do we work so hard that life isn't enjoyable anymore.

Oh well I know that once spring finally sets in for good and summer rolls around I will feel a MILLION times better. I just cant get enough of summer barbecue parties, sitting around the backyard or front step sippin some wine and chewin on a steak. As the sun sets and makes all the leaves golden/green. Makes me want to grab my camera and capture the moment so everyone can see how breathtaking it is....Le sigh..OK I'm getting mushy :)

Speaking of Photography, I need a new camera. Right now I have a pretty great digital camera but its nothing fancy, it just takes some quality pictures. I'm thinkin Nikon though, I hear a lot of great things about those. And I want to take that photography class my Hubs was tellin me about. SO I can capture my life and the things around me, even if it is boring, even if it is only for me. It makes me happy dammit :)

Anyways, I will post some of the better pictures I have taken with my dinky little camera some of them aren't so bad :D

I love flowers. I will just get that statement out in the open right now. I have flower tattoos even.They are amazing to photograph, sometimes edible, beautiful, and smell good too!This is on Bowen Island BC last summer when Hubs and I went for a visit to some family of mine.

Then we have my baby Mikka. He is a persistent little shit who loves to climb, jump, swat things off surfaces, beg for human food to the point of placing his paws and or tail in the mix.
But oh how I love him. He cuddles, he hugs, he rubs and weirdly enough loves the tub. He is my baby.

If I can ever get a good one I will post a picture of my highly UN photogenic firstborn, Jazz. He is a purebred Siamese blue point and OHHH don't we know it.
My sister, AH my lovely sister. Born with hair and skin I would die for. AAAAAAnd my Great nephew such a cutie. That's the redhead below...

And above again with his maternal Grandmother, of which I am not such a fan...

Anyways, I must figure out this newfangled Blog format stuffs, Once I do we may see a spike in my passion for pictures. ESPECIALLY since summer is almost here :D